Welcome to ECERI


    ECERI is a collaborative network of scientific researchers from all over Europe willing to combine their efforts to discover and understand environmental causes of cancer and other suspected environment-associated human diseases or disorders.

      Why ECERI?

        Gathering high scientific skills allows breakthroughs in knowledge of cancer and other environment-related diseases and disorders.

          Over the last two or three decades there has been a worldwide continuous drastic increase in the incidence of many diseases or disorders such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, allergies, Alzheimer disease, autism, hypofertility, congenital malformation, rare diseases, etc. Today research is ever more focused on the biological (molecular) alterations in the organism which may be associated with diseases or disorders, not on their real underlying causes. This may explain why most of these diseases or disorders are presently considered idiopathic, ie without comprehensive causal explanation. However, that such increased incidence is related to environmental factors including diet modification and/or chemical, physical and/or biological degradation of the environment, is an hypothesis that has recently emerged.

          ECERI was therefore created to help fill the gap between present scientific knowledge as to the environmental causes of disease; as well as current medical practice and research, as there are only few research institutions specifically devoted to investigating the environmental causes of diseases, particularly for cancer.

            What is ECERI?

              A European network of researchers

                Founded February 2011 by European scientists and Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), ECERI is an international non-profit organization which currently coordinates fifteen research centres specialized in the field of oncology, genetics and epigenetics, which also works on environment-related diseases or disorders, gene-environment interactions and suspected environmental diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, overweight/obesity, allergy, so called degenerative diseases of the central nervous system such as Alzheimer disease and autism, as well as new pathological disorders such as multiple chemical hypersensitivity (MCS), or electrohypersensitivity (EHS) etc...
                The Institute is an independent network of European and international scientific experts and researchers specialized in the fields of carcinogenesis, epigenetics, gene-environment interactions and environmental diseases.
                ECERI was created to fill a gap of institutions specifically devoted to researching the environmental causes of cancer.

                  A scientific worldwide leading institution

                  ECERI coordinates scientific collaboration not only in European Union state members such as Belgium, France, Germany, Grece, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, UK; but around the world, with the most advanced scientific research teams of the United-States, Canada, Russia, Eastern countries, Japan and China.

                      ECERI's ultimate goal is to gain understanding of the biological mechanisms of genesis of cancer and other so-called environment-related diseases and disorders, in order to promote primary prevention methods that reduce morbidity and mortality. More particularly, ECERI objectives include the following actions :
                      • boost European research in the field of environmental carcinogenesis
                      • spread such research to all European countries through developing international scientific collaborations,
                      • create pan-Europe data bases for these research fields,
                      • provide scientific expertise to European and worldwide international health institutions,
                      • make health recommendations to the public.
                      Specific research focuses and already available data
                      • Using epidemiological, toxicological and/or bio-chemical approaches, the institute directs and triggers Europe-wide innovative research to uncover environmental causes of cancer and other diseases.
                      • Especially ECERI focuses its research efforts on both the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms and on the environment contributions to the origin of diseases.
                      As an example of innovative research, ECERI is presently developing and patenting a new blood test for screening and early detection of metabolically active cancers of many types.
                      Administrative and scientific organization

                      ECERI is composed of an Administrative Board, comprising European Parliament members, and a Scientific Committee of internationally recognized pan-Europe researchers.


                      ECERI projects rely on funding by both private and public institutions such as the European Union member states and international research supporting organizations.
                      If you want to support and supply ECERI please contact the ARTAC-ECERI delegation in Paris :
                      Tel : 0033(0)145 78 53 53

                      KBC Bank account  IBAN BE93 7340 3580 8567       BIC KREDBEBB ECERI ASBL

                        Last Newsletter

                        Scientific Publication

                        First scientifc publication on objective biological markers of Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

                        • Reliable disease biomarkers characterizing and identifying electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as two etiopathogenic aspects of a unique pathological disorder.

                        International Declaration on electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity

                        The Fifth Paris Appeal Congress, 18th of May, 2015



                          held at the Royal Academy of Medicine, Belgium

                          was followed on the 19th of May by an Environmental Medicine course.

                          All the speakers' presentations and videos on the Paris Appeal website : http://www.appel-de-paris.com/

                            Press Conference

                            See the press conference of the congress

                              To contact

                              ECERI Brussels

                              European Cancer and Environment Research Institute
                              Square de Meeus 38-40
                              1000 Bruxelles
                              tel : 0032 2 401 87 75
                              [email protected]

                                French delegation

                                ARTAC (Association for Research and Treatment Against Cancer)
                                57-59 rue de la Convention 75015 Paris
                                tel : 0033 (0) 1 45 78 53 53

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