
Francqui Foundation lectures given by Pr D. Belpomme at the Lenven-Gembloux University "Health, environment and responsibilty : promoting health ecology"

In 2013, Pr Belpomme was given the chair of the Francqui Foundation in the form of four scientific lectures that he gave in Gembloux within the framework of the Leuven University activities (Belgium).

The Francqui Foundation was founded in 1932 "to further the development of higher education and scientific research in Belgium". The foundation is a private foundation that aims at encouraging the prestige of disinterested fundamental research.

The organisation of lectures entitled "Health, environment and responsibilty :  promoting health ecology" was done by Gembloux Agro-BioTech. The general title of the four lectures was :

- 13th of March : Pesticides and health : the biter bit

- 27th of March : Food and cancers : realities, advances and perspective [from Hippocrate to nowadays]

- 17th of April : These man-made diseases : environmentalist paradym or health ecology ?

- 29th of May : The public health crisis :  risk society or risk for the society?


    First ECERI Workshop, 26th October 2012 : Environmental Carcinogenesis, a focus on Epigenetics

    Third Paris Appeal Congress 12-13 April 2011

    Paris Appeal text